Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Strategic management - Essay Example d coordinate their efforts with other organizations in order to build a foundation to provide the society with a healthy environment in accordance to vision 2030 (Lynch, 2008).This is a clear indication that they have not fully embraced the idea of strategic management. This is contrary to what is happening in the UAE (Lynch, 2008). From studies conducted previously, it was found that there is great use of strategic management in the UAE’s public sector. It was found that approximately 70% of the organizations embraced the idea by 2006 making it to be ahead of the U.S on the application of strategic management in their organizations (Lynch, 2008). In this era of rapid economic development, there is need for Qatar to implement this strategy in their operations as it has been found to be possessing several advantages some of which are outlined below. Strategic management consists of a framework that advocates for improved control and coordination of activities (Lynch, 2008). This is of great help to the organization as it will increase the efficiency of their operations. In addition, the strategy will encourage people to think towards a forward direction thus creating an environment that is positive towards change (Lynch, 2008). This in turn will then make the organization to be flexible in their operations so as to make the necessary adjustments that will help it attain its vision that are in line with vision

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